Why blog?

I'm blogging because it creates a real time account of thoughts and processes to not only help me with my degree course but also force me to actively reflect on a weeks, days work. I may repeat myself, I may spell things incorrectly. I may sound pretentious and wanky at points. There is no real excuse for any of this, and welcome someone telling me so. I also encourage people to disagree with me. Because it will force me to back up what I'm talking about, If I can't then thats something I need to identify!

Friday, 6 February 2009

The Structure of Science

The Science Museum, on the 3rd floor, in South Kensington, in the corner, made me smile. I played with tempo, echo and waves. I saw sound jump, and swim and move. It was all explained on small white plaques, by each ‘exhibit,’ at child height. It was all so simple. As I did it was fun and I found out why sound does things. Yet I walk away and I am not hungry to find more, I do not need to solve those mysteries anymore.

‘Stoned’ at the Royal Court was the same. It was very clever, structurally slick, moving across three generations in one space. The sounds of the past coming to haunt each generation. It is an hour long, and you are thrown into the mix, and you enjoy working out who is when and where and why they bicker. But by the end it is all made clear. I know the story. I knew it in the first half hour. It was fun to work out, but once that is done I just sit. I do not need to solve the mystery any more.

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