Why blog?

I'm blogging because it creates a real time account of thoughts and processes to not only help me with my degree course but also force me to actively reflect on a weeks, days work. I may repeat myself, I may spell things incorrectly. I may sound pretentious and wanky at points. There is no real excuse for any of this, and welcome someone telling me so. I also encourage people to disagree with me. Because it will force me to back up what I'm talking about, If I can't then thats something I need to identify!

Monday 19 January 2009

In the works of Experience Bryon ‘Isn’t that interesting’

(Bryon says that a dancer knows when a part of the body is not quite right and so works to fix it or backs off from it)

There was a point today that I was scared. Not a rational sense of fear (the sense of fear you have when you are about to get attacked by lions) but an irrational sense of fear, (the fear of the unknown). New people are an unknown quantity, and although often there is a gut instinct, an In/tuition (concept opened up in RecSen project) of whom you feel comfortable or uncomfortable with, within a new group the dynamics of group relationships is in constant flux (Our comfort zones move and break down as we learn about other people in the group). We automatically prejudge an individual without even getting to know somebody, either positively or negatively, because we can or can’t relate to them. But perhaps, it is what we cannot relate to that is most interesting for an artist. Perhaps confronting the visceral response, to reject, abandon or throw up, creates the confrontation that theatre needs. Was it Aristotle that said theatre is conflict?

Group dynamics are equally as interesting. What is my role in a group? I am an individual with a way of dealing with a group situation in a certain way. I find I need to clarify, objectify a discussion to move it on, but to do this I need a group sensitivity. With a new group, no doubt, the first attempts to do this will be wrong. But by identifying that something was not quite right, I can attempt to find a common language between us.

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