Why blog?

I'm blogging because it creates a real time account of thoughts and processes to not only help me with my degree course but also force me to actively reflect on a weeks, days work. I may repeat myself, I may spell things incorrectly. I may sound pretentious and wanky at points. There is no real excuse for any of this, and welcome someone telling me so. I also encourage people to disagree with me. Because it will force me to back up what I'm talking about, If I can't then thats something I need to identify!

Saturday 24 January 2009

And we found a room and played

My degree centred around the physical body. The body as a tool, taking excruciatingly long hours to work with the spine, the muscles, the nerves And somehow I found something new when Nikkie told me to lay down and breathe. I have always had a problem of finding the spine in a straight line. I naturally (or habitually) lay so that my shoulders are not even, and by head leans to the side. Friday night was no different, yet because I know I have this problem I have fought to try and become straight, however, last night I did not fight when directed. And found straight. And was somehow peaceful in this resolution.

The sprinter who tries to hard will not win, the sprinter who does not think of winning becomes the victor. (Analogy is found in John Wrights Why is that so Funny)

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