Why blog?

I'm blogging because it creates a real time account of thoughts and processes to not only help me with my degree course but also force me to actively reflect on a weeks, days work. I may repeat myself, I may spell things incorrectly. I may sound pretentious and wanky at points. There is no real excuse for any of this, and welcome someone telling me so. I also encourage people to disagree with me. Because it will force me to back up what I'm talking about, If I can't then thats something I need to identify!

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Body Project, a body of work.

This extract makes me angry, because I have been instructed to write it. Somehow this entry feels like a chore, and the other entries haven’t. I have reflected on this project through an email in order to help me understand the structure, as well as the last blog entry which was an immediate reaction. This entry tries somehow to associate the work within a fictional context. What if the group were to continue working. This is not logical. We are not. It reminds me of Piagets fish in the tree that breathes air and the lets pretend exercise. So with this in mind lets pretend….

This project only forms a beginning, an introduction to an idea. We somehow defined presence as an ‘attitude’ to a space and those within it. We created an idea as ‘the body as vessel’, a body that needs to be reorganised in order to perform, not themselves as an individual, but a performative persona. To further develop this work we would look at his vessel through the eyes of Grotowski’s theory of embodiment, as well as continuing with ideas from Lecoq’s neutral mask. We might suggest that presence is the process of embodiment, in order to create a method / methodology to enable an actor to become free from themselves. It would be interesting to see how these methods differed from those already practiced.

This is the interesting bit!

If Piaget suggests meta-cognition is a way of learning for children, and it appears that meta-cognition is a method of how to approach researched based practice, perhaps this would be an interesting method to adopt in my practice. Furthermore, as this process comes instinctually to children, can we creatively learn from children?

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